Hi Rebecca, Addison and Ashley!I just wanted to check in and let you know that our puppy is doing great! She had her first vet visit last Monday and came through with flying colors. She was 8 lbs and her fecal was nice and “clear”.We are all trying to establish a schedule with her and it is going well. She settles in nicely to her crate and goes right to sleep, waking up between 5-6 am. She is doing great with potty training as long as we keep an eye on the clock- only one accident so far 🙂Everyone in the family is just crazy about her, she has truly healed our broken hearts. I find myself having a much easier time thinking about Luna, and memories of her, because we have this little girl to snuggle. And of course because she is such a beautiful, “classic” doodle she often reminds us a little bit of Luna.Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts.Of course if you ever would like to refer anyone in our area to us for a recommendation for your breeding program, feel free to contact us!!Fondly,The K Family
Ashley, hope all well with you. Dinger is one year old today. He is a great dog. Judy and I are thrilled to have him. He ’s a happy and healthy 57# and 23&1/2”.
Best to you,
John and Judy
Hi Guys!
I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much we love our new addition, Koa (Mr. Brown). He is extremely affectionate and intelligent. After losing our 13-year old Lab, we all had a hole in our heart, but it feels like Koa was meant for our family as he fits in so well already. He whimpered the first two nights, but since then he has been perfectly content! We have been showering him with affection and he truly is a member of the family. I can’t express to you how happy we are and how much we love him.
I wanted to send you a heartfelt “thank you” for all the hard work you put into our pup before he came home. It truly shows as he is a very well-behaved and socialized puppy. We are so grateful for all you’ve done. Thank you!
Mitch & Meg (and the kids)
I just wanted to send you an update on Tucker. First, let me say that we are absolutely over the moon with him. He is just the most friendliest and lovingest puppy on the planet. The kids, myself and my husband couldn’t be happier with him.
Second, he is doing really well with house training. He has taken to the bells and lets us know when he needs to go out. He knows how to sit, give us his paw, lay down, roll over, and he’s really good about not jumping on anyone especially our granddaughter, June. Third, he loves our son’s chihuahua, Cleo. They are fast friends and where one is, the other is literally sitting on her. She doesn’t mind though, we make Tucker get off her. They’re a constant source of amusement. They often can be found in Tucker’s crate napping together. Fourth, he is eating really well and is weighing in at a whopping 26.2 lbs. Our vet says he looks awesome and that he’s going to be a big boy. I’m not sure how much bigger he can possibly get but I remember you saying he was going to be bigger than expected for the litter. He’s such a teddy bear and he’s quite clumsy which is also a source of amusement for us. Everyone that has met him absolutely loves him. Tucker met Cash (Tyler, Kayla and June’s puppy) yesterday. I was a little concerned how it would go. I shouldn’t have been. Tucker just went up to him sniffed him, sat down and let Cash jump all over him. Like he’d known him all his life. It was adorable. I can’t say enough how happy we are with him and so glad that we found you! I’m adding some pics of him so you can see how much of a handsome Prince he truly is. Again, thank you so much for trusting us with one of your puppies. We are forever grateful! I hope you have a wonderful day!!” – Ashley M..
-TS from N.C
We could not love him more and he has become such a part of our family!”
I just wanted to let you know how much we love our puppy! You are right, he has an amazing temperament. I don’t think I have ever met a more mild-tempered, smart, sweet puppy than this one. Transitioning him into our family has been a breeze. HE HAS NOT HAD A SINGLE ACCIDENT IN THE HOUSE!!! I swear, as soon as we got him home, I took him out, plopped him on his spot, waited for him to go, praised him, and that was it. He got it from there and goes to the back door or cries when he needs to potty. We are flabbergasted!! We were waiting for this to get hard, but he is a dream! He only chews his toys. He doesn’t cry in his crate. He walks happily on his leash. He loves our neighbors and always seems content. Now that he knows us better, his friskiness has come out, and he does love to play. But when he’s not playing, he is just so mellow and relaxed. He is the sweetest, cutest, most affectionate puppy I have ever seen. I tell my friends about how amazing he is, and they don’t believe me! No one can believe that our eight week old puppy is this calm and well behaved.
I just wanted to let you know that whatever genes you mixed up for this litter created an amazing puppy. He has brought us so much happiness already! THANK YOU!!!!”
I thought I would take the time to send you a quick update on Nova!
She is growing crazzzzzy fast. The vet told us she gained 6 pounds in three weeks between visits. She’s in perfect shape. We give her weekly baths and planning on a haircut really soon. She absolutely loves being around us. No matter what. She’s met all kinds of dogs and people and we even started puppy preschool last week. On our own, she’s been leash trained (was so easy with her, she loves walks), learned sit, down, look at me, and leave it. And she also knows “no” or “hey” very well when she’s doing something wrong. She communicates with us well when she needs something. She’s never peed or pooped in her crate at night and she loves going in there when it’s time for bed.
Thanks you guys so much for an amazing job!! At 12 weeks we can already tell she is going to be amazing!!! I’m attaching some pictures for you to see how she’s growing!! – LC, NC
We had a great drive home; arriving in MI about 11:30 pm. Miss Black, now Patches was spectacular. Nothing could even be called a hiccup during her trip. She had her wellness puppy checkup on Monday. Remarks were, “She is so beautiful” (more than once), “You’re the winner. Best looking puppy we have had all day.” And the vet said “Keep a close eye on her, I would take her home in a heartbeat.” I also had a technician volunteer to puppy sit whenever I needed someone. Besides that, the vet, Mrs. Koan from Riverside Hospital in Flushing , said perfect health, she is 6.1 lbs, and her microchip was checked that it agreed with the information. We are to return in 3 weeks for shots. Our free gift included heartworm and tick and flea meds. Our 30 day health insurance has been activated. Food has arrived and vitamins are in plentiful supply. I hope I have not overlooked anything.
I learned that she did a full body assault on her food dish, but I probably would learn that too if I needed to get my portion with 8 other siblings. Never the less it was a surprise and made me laugh. I feed her by teaspoon now to slow her down, among other reasons. She will sit and we are learning “wait” (only a pause) between each spoonful. If you taught her sit, you are a miracle worker with so many puppies and for taking the time. And if not she is an Einstein for learning so quickly. She is Miss Manners for sure. She has had no accidents and has gone to the door on her own 3 times to go outside. She made 3 little whimpers the first night and fell asleep until 6:30 am. The next night, no whimpers. We have learned she loves human contact. Her choice is to curl up for a nap on top of my feet or on my husbands when mine are not available. When I am on the floor (most of the time), she curls up by my side but always touching. The crate is an okay thing but please do not shut the door. We are working on that. We continue to work of the Rule of 12 Guide. I love the ideas and the fun watching her explore and react. Thank you for the toys. The rope is her favorite to chew, a flat little crinkly monkey is her favorite to carry but the funniest to watch is the hidden squirrel toy. I’ve tried to make an attempt to put your information to use for her good.
The best testimony, was the family that was outside when I was leaving. They told me they got one of your puppies about a year ago and was a perfect fit for their family, so they came back for another one. How much better does it get than that?”
Greg, Linda and Patches
M.M. and C.H Annapolis, MD”
J.E. Kinston, NC
I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know how pleased we are with our dog. Louis is just about 6 months old and his temperament has been amazing. He has a funny personality and very much likes to socialize. He has been great with our two young girls. We regularly get comments that people are surprised he is only 6 months old since he is so calm around people and well trained.
We used Mike Dunn for 8 weeks of obedience training. He staid an extra 2 weeks beyond normal since he was being a little stubborn. We have been impressed with his obedience since he has returned. We still have a lot to work on to get him to our goal, but well on the way. Thanks for a great dog. I have provided your information to a few people that are considering labradoodles. Feel free to use us as a reference if ever needed. Below is a picture of Louis in his typical relaxation pose. Take care.”
– M.B. North Carolina
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Attached is a photo of Banksy (Banks) taken yesterday at my father in-laws farm outside of Chattanooga (he had his last round of shots last week and is currently 31 lbs.). We’re obviously here from Charleston for the holiday. After chasing the kids for miles, and annoying cows and horses from behind the safety of fence all day, Banks has had some new and tiring experiences that have exhausted him. It’s pretty funny to actually see how tired he is.
I’m sending you this email as an expression of my family’s thanks on Thanksgiving. We feel fortunate to have found you and for the efforts that led to such a great companion becoming a part of our family. Banks is smart, calm, loyal and has the best comportment of any dog we’ve ever had. You look into his eyes and it feels like you’re talking to an old man you’ve known for years.
If folks from Charleston come knocking on your door, I suspect they met Banks on the beach or in our neighborhood. Most people we meet instantly want to know more about him. Please let me know if you breed his parents again – we may be interested in a companion for Banks.
Thanks Rebecca,
This email is so long over due that I hope you accept my deepest apologies. We are so thankful for Good Day Doodles. Here are a few pictures of Baley, named after Gareth Bale, a European soccer player. He, as a 21 month old, is about 42 lbs. He has the most gorgeous expressive eyes. He has a light gray stripe down his back like a skunk. It is so cute.
Baley has brought so much joy to our lives. He loves riding in the car. He helps fold laundry by laying in the middle of my folded clothes or by “stealing” socks. He plays basketball with the boys and is a very good rebounder. He plays catch too. He can carry the paper up to the house. He wrestles every night with my husband. He loves stuffed animals. He enjoys hiking, walking, and roller blading. He verbally sighs when he is tired. He cries with joy when he sees us and when he sees his friends. Baley still stands on his back legs when he is happy. He will also hug us by standing on his back legs and actually squeezing his paws around our waists. He loves nibbling on my husbands ears when he come home from the gym and he licks my legs when I get out of the shower. Every once in awhile, he has the most awesome toilet paper party.
Thank you so much for Baley. We check out the web site often. Let us know if you have a puppy or older dog that needs to be re-homed.
Thanks again.
Laurie, Ron, Simon, Ethan, and Daniel as well as Baley
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for being a stellar breeder. My journey started online looking for the perfect labradoodle for our family. My husband and I had agreed on the breed but not on the location of where to find this perfect pup. He was certain we did NOT have to travel out of state for our pup. As my search continued, I learned that not all breeders (even top notch breeders) are the same. I memorized quit a few doodle breeder websites and narrowed it down to three. I had not yet found your website. I was at work one day trying to remember the names of the websites I had found on my home computer and that is when I happened onto the Good Day doodles website. AND just like when you put on the perfect wedding dress for the first time and know it is the one, I knew I had found where we would get our doodle from.. As I surfed your website I was impressed with your beautiful dogs and with the through attention all of your dogs and pups receive from start to finish. It took little convincing on my part to my husband that yes we were going to travel out of state for our pup:) But he was on-board in no time and has no regrets.
Your website was easy to navigate and apply for the litter we wanted. Once we had applied you were in contact with us every step of the way, answering questions, sharing photos and the most exciting of all letting us view our pup via a webcam!
When it came time for the family visit you were more then accommodating to us due to our location. And again when it was time for us to pick up Chloe, you and your family were very welcoming and hospitable to ALL five of us. Your house and puppy areas were beyond clean, it was very apparent that breeding is very much a part of your everyday life and it is not something you do just to make money.
You continually went above and beyond making sure that not only we were we getting what we wanted but also making sure the puppy got the best start possible. Chloe is now 13 weeks old and is 19lbs. I would like to say she adjusted well to our family but really there was no adjusting needed, she just blended right in. She came knowing how to sit and she to this day sits at anyone’s feet that wants to say hi to her. ( I wish I could say I trained her but she did this from day one). I am blessed with a job that allows me to bring her to work every day. She has never met a stranger. Maybe she will become a therapy dog. She is a very smart, loving, playful, and an adorable pup. Her temperament is exactly like you describe the doodles to be on your website.
I start my puppy classes next week so they can train me on how to keep such a well behaved pup. Chloe has agreed to attend with me:) I will keep you posted on my progress! I can’t thank you enough for being a wholehearted breeder, your pups are living proof of the stellar job you do. Chloe has brought us so much love and joy in the few weeks that we have had her. I give all the credit of this perfect pup to you and Good Day doodles. THANK YOU!
Shelby in Florida
Willow X Wally litter 2014
Mary Gene S. SC
From the very beginning Rebecca works to be sure her puppies and their adopted family are a good match. She kept us up-to-date on every aspect of our new family member from conception to delivery. She even sent an e-mail with a photo of Bella right after she was born to let us know she had arrived as she knew we were anxious. She is the very best!! This is our first Australian Labradoodle and we could not be more pleased to welcome Miss Bella into our family. The morning we picked Bella up from Rebecca in Greensboro we had a 5 hour drive back home to Charleston and she was amazing. Slept almost the entire trip on my lap or floor at my feet. That first night home she slept through the night with no crying in a crate at our bedside and has done the same every night since. This is a happy, well-adjusted puppy. Thank you Rebecca!!
Rebecca is a top notch breeder who goes beyond your expectations exposing her puppies to everyday life before they leave her – car rides, crate training and normal household sounds and overall socialization of her puppies. She continues to be available to answer questions and to hear how her puppies are doing. We cannot say enough wonderful things about Rebecca and Good Day Doodles and recommend her without hesitation.” – Mike and Pat/South Carolina
Preface. If you do not have time to read all of my ramblings, go to the last paragraph.
This has been a good week for Miss Annie and other members of the Capps household. She has been playing, sleeping, exploring, snuggling, learning, sniffing every blade of grass and leaf in the yard, teaching her two-legged owners to be patient, among assorted other activities. The whole family agrees that Annie is the sweetest most loving creature on God’s good earth.
Miss Annie must also be in the top one percent among her canine cohorts in intelligence. ( We are not bias.) Already she can sit on command, knows her name, fetches, knows a few basic commands, such as come and outside, and is making progress on heel and stay. Stopping the jumping and nipping needs more work. The end of toilet training is in the foreseeable future.
I joking told a pet store owner last week that I would need to take out a loan to pay for Annie’s accoutrements. While she is being carefully disciplined, she is also somewhat spoiled. Of course, her favorite toys remain an empty Dannon yogurt container and a paper towel roller.
Rebecca, thank you for this special ball of fur and personality. She already has brought more joy to this household than the dollars she cost. You were a good surrogate mother. I had not shared this with you before, but, among other medical issues, I have been battling cancer for almost three years: major surgery, two rounds of treatment and continual monitoring. The prognosis was good following the completion of radiation therapy a month ago, and we all hope for the best. I was encouraged to get a pet dog as a part of my therapy by two of my doctors. I see progress in my Annie therapy already and know that it will only become more palliative as Annie matures and becomes a greater part of our lives.”
With respect and appreciation,
It was also the little (and big) details that made the difference. We have two small children and right after the pups were born, they received a special delivery in the mail from Rebecca ….a practice puppy until their real pup found its way home! Miko came home to us with toys, a leash and collar, food (and not just a day or twos worth), shampoo, puppy raising books, etc, etc.
We cannot say enough good things about our experience with Good Day Doodles!”
– The Kelly Family / Greensboro, NC
-Mango and Michelle Gutzmer / Virginia
When we contacted Rebecca, my husband and I spoke with her at different times and both immediately came away with the same feeling, that she was the person we trusted to give us a great pup. And we have not been wrong for a moment. Rebecca showed genuine attention, care and concern and always went above and beyond to answer questions, put our minds at ease and to help prepare us for our newest addition to the family. One day, shortly after we committed to getting our pup from Rebecca, a package arrived in the mail, unannounced. It was a “build-a-bear” stuffed puppy for my two young daughters with a little handwritten note (on paw print embossed stationary) that read, ”Dear Casey Mae” here is a practice puppy for you both, until your Labradoodle finds his way home.” It is personal touches like that, that made our entire process enjoyable and way better than ever anticipated!
Rebecca was so thoughtful and always had the interests of the pups AND us in mind. Rebecca e-mailed me unsolicited with observations about our pup, and she drove from NC to DC to meet us with our, pup and even made an extra trip to the vet which was 3 hrs. away, so we could get our puppy a little earlier, as she knew we would be travelling with him in a couple short weeks, and wanted to be sure he’d have enough time to adjust to us and his new home before the trip. Rebecca’s puppy webcam was a HUGE hit for us and our friends and family, and her facilities were of the utmost in cleanliness and developmental opportunities for the pups. It was clear to us at every second of the process that Rebecca was committed to the best experience possible for the puppies and her adoptive families.
I would HIGHLY recommend Rebecca Pugh and Good Day Doodles, as a breeder to anyone interested in finding the best of breeders!”
– Kelly Beins / Maryland
Our most recent little guy was adopted from Good Day Doodles in Greensboro NC. “Boomer” is a standard size Australian Labradoodle. We wanted to contact you so that other families may have the opportunity to visit Good Day Doodles and adopt their forever family pet from them. We have adopted all our pets through a few different breeders and we can honestly say that Good Day Doodles far surpasses any of them. This breeder is fantastic (and rare). It is evident that they go far beyond what most breeders would do, they care for and love every single pup so much. They keep each and every adoptive family updated constantly, and allow us to peek inside their puppies homes at all times. (even from different states via cameras). When we brought our puppy home he was almost 11 weeks old. It’s very clear to us that he has been socialized beyond anything I could have imagined!
He walks on a leash, recognizes all the various daily noises and sounds. He enjoys being loved and cuddled by any and all members of our family at any given time of the day or night. His temperament is exactly as one would want, he is loving toward all members of the family and tolerant to the noises and activity of a household with both young and older children, as well as other dogs. We think it is so important that the first weeks of a pups life is a positive one, his surroundings at that time have a large impact on how well adjusted they will be once they leave for their forever families. Without a doubt it is very clear to see that our lil guy had much love and attention, met many people and was given more then enough encouragement to be a well adjusted, affectionate, and gentle canine. We both whole heartedly recommend Good Day Doodles for anybody who is looking to adopt this beautiful breed into their home.
We are thankful to be able to have this opportunity to share with others what we have experienced. We will, without reservation, adopt through them again in the future! Thank You!”
– John and Maria Burns / Virginia
Actually it made me cry with joy that I have met someone who has lived up to all my expectations!
My instincts were right when I chose you…most books I had read said to look for a breeder with many years experience …
but what I felt from you made all that concern fall away..I just knew you would put your kind heart and strong mind into these pups and give them a great start at life.
It would be my sincere pleasure to share my thoughts with anyone seeking a reference.”
– Ronnie Force / New Jersey
Rebecca did an outstanding job. My pup is not afraid of new people or loud noises (except my husband’s rider lawnmower did frighten him, but my vacuum cleaner did not.
He is not shy or timid and she did wonderful things with the pups. She socialized them, did some agility training and soooooooo important crate training.
I never crate trained a dog before. I decided to do that this time. Well the first night he cried about 10 minutes and fell asleep and DID NOT SOIL HIS CRATE. He can go 8 hours at night in his crate without soiling.
The second night no crying at all. I am amazed. The crate is in our bedroom and perhaps that helps because we are with him. We are retired and so we don’t put him in the crate in the day – we are home. At most he got crated one day for about 1 hour.
Anyway, I’m very very pleased and would recommend her highly. She gave us toys, a little blanket with his sibling/ mom’s scent, a brush, a bag of food that she was feeding them and two books on puppy training. She is great”
-Linda and Jim Nickerson / North Carolina
We couldn’t have asked for a sweeter, smarter, more mild mannered yet playful little guy. Within three days Murphy learned many of the basic commands and walks perfectly on the leash.
He is so smart and eager to learn. He slept from 9.30 until 5.30 the first night home and has continued to sleep through the night and whine very little during day time crate ‘naps’.
He travels wonderfully in the car and is a wonderful little companion to have by my side. He visited my daughters preschool class yesterday and was a hit! All the teachers at the preschool were stopping me begging me to show Murphy to their classes.
Murphy was so calm and sweet while the young children petted him. I was so proud of him! He has obviously been very thoroughly socialized- I have not seen him react afraid of anything yet.
He came out to lunch with me and Will today, just sitting under my chair patiently while we ate at an outdoor cafe. He attracts people wherever we go, commenting on what a beautiful dog he is- I know I am biased but he is VERY cute!
Many people have asked where I got him and I have been so happy to recommend Good Day Doodles to them. It was a wonderful adoption experience from the very beginning.
Our family loved receiving your weekly updates and beautiful pictures of the puppies as they grew. Even my vet commented on what a great and thorough breeder you must be – just by looking at the records that you provided for me to give to him.
You really do go above and beyond for your Labradoodles and their families. We truly appreciate all your hard work and continued support. Please visit anytime you are in town.”
– Angela and Will Bailey / North Carolina
My family and I live in California, so Miss O’hana was sent to us on airplane. Rebecca’s daughter Aaron came with! She was very helpful with questions we had for her when we got there and very easy to talk to. We met at the San Francisco airport, it was the first time at an airport for my family and I. It was such a great experience. We took a sign that said “MissO’hana”, with us to hold out for Aaron and O’hana to find us. When we got to hold our doodle, she started licking us J.
My family and I thank Good Day Doodles for so much! They are very great people and care for their doodles.”
-The Robles Family
Hiiiiiii! We just want to let you know how much everyone….. and I do mean everyone LOVES Fozzie! He is sooooo sweet, adorable, gentle and loving. He is just a doll and loves the whole world! Thank you for giving us such a wonderful family member!”
Love…. Art Rebecca Abbie Hayley and Fozzie!